{ Photos vs. Real Life }

The camera doesn't lie.
Recently The Nester did a post on using your camera as a decorating tool.
Sometimes, it's not until you see something in a photograph to help you notice what's wrong.
Weather it's an outfit or a room, the camera can be a great tool when it comes to tweeking things.

I wanted to divert your attention away from the horrible wallpaper.
So , I thought I could cover it up with a series of black frames.

 and, boy, are you all a nice group of friends.
You gave me such great comments.
I guess it's all relative, what was there "before" was a mess.
So anythings better right?  I guess.

But after looking at the photo, I honestly wasn't in love with my work.
I knew I could do better.
So, I tweek & I collected...

still hate the walls, but better.
And I guess the lighting is a little better today too, 
'cause the room 's not looking as yellow as it did in the first post.

So, besides the camera being your friend, I found out that you guys are too.
You told me how great it looked, even though it really wasn't all that hot.
Thanks for that.
'Cause , sometimes it's better to just be nice.


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