Remember a few months ago when I flip flop rooms in our house at the spur of the moment?
Here is part of the sectional wedged between 2 floors of our house.
Did I mention I was attempting the great flip flop alone.
Yes, I single handedly move a sectional sofa from the top floor of our house (what we called the playroom, but no one ever played in it, and rarely even set foot in it) which was actually the 5th bedroom, or the "bonus room".
Then, I moved everything from our master bedroom UP 2 flights of stairs to the "playroom/bonus room".
Are you following me?
We now have a "den" where the master bedroom was, and a master bedroom on the tippy top floor of our house in the "bonus room".
This room has great bones, with vaulted ceilings and wood beams. The down side? Green and yellow 1977 wallpaper.
And I HATE removing wallpaper. I'll paint over it rather than remove it. But, I'd like to do this room properly. So, I've enlisted the help of a professional.
I'll post a design board of the new master soon.
In the meantime, I thought I'd share the new den with you.
It's a work in progress, but get loads more traffic than the old "playroom".
I documented the move on instagram. so if you're an instgrammer, follow along to see what I'm up to on a day to day basis.
here's the room as a bedroom-
and more of it now as a den-
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