{ Weekend Nonsense }

In our last home I painted stripes on one wall in the Living Room.
I really loved it and missed it.
{grainy, I know}

So, this weekend, I threw some up on the fireplace wall in our Dining Room.
I'm loving it.
My original plan was to paint this wall a darker color, then stencil a cool mod pattern on it.
But, because I'm cheap, I thought I'd just paint it a dark color.
Then, whadda' you know, while I was painting the darker color I thought of the stripes.
The Sea Salt Blue fireplace stands out much more now. 
{although, not in this photo}
It's not all set up yet, but I know it's just what that room needed.
And yes, that is a peek of the tree at the bottom right.

Here's the before...

Then, I had to fiddle some more with some other things in the room too, 'cause I added something else to the Dining Room that I'll share later.

And just for good measure, what would a post be without a mention of Jonas's never ending saga of a room.
{Boy, don't get your hopes to high for this revel}
Just wanted to show you the final wall treatment and headboard...

Eventually I'll show you a full picture of his room.
Really, I'm not trying to keep you hangin', there's just not that much to show.

Linking this to Cottage Instincts


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