{ Have you seen Her? }

I'm talking about 

Simply put, she's a genius.
I'm so smitten with her design projects,
I find myself checking out her posts over & over again.

Take this room for example


isn't it the most?
Shannon has a knack for warm, bright rooms.
She mixes vintage with new
and creates a room that looks so cozy & crisp.

There are so many layers in this room,
 I could stare at it for days...

here's the other side of that room

darling, right?
move right in, right?

And, she's not afraid to take a sharpie to her walls either

oh yes she did!

Shannon can even makes bugs look chic.

So, grab a hot cup of whatever and have a seat...
you'll be here for a while.

E N J O Y }


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