I had my normal mom morning, then quickly showered, through together an outfit, with boots and a scarf of course. Jumped in the car to meet up with Carrie from Making Lemonade, and drove to NJ to catch a train to NYC for the BHG Style Maker Event.
( all photo credit Avi Gerver Photography )
The highlight of the night was listening to a panel of style experts talk candidly about there techniques and a bit of their own lives.
I hung with my pal Kelly from Eclectically Vintage, and made lot's of new ones.
The food was fabulous and totally pinterest worthy.
We all got together to mingle and have some fun at the photo booth. It was so fun to meet other women that share the same passion, whether it was food, fashion or home decor.
And...here's my favorite moment of the night. Chatting about trash-picking with the Eddie Ross!
Yes, Eddie trash picks too.
(this pic is from my instagram feed. (follow along if you'd like)
Eddie is totally real and funny and the guy in the room everybody wants to be with.
So, that's that. My next trip will be to Frederick, MD to finally meet my internet pal, Cassie from Primitive & Proper. Cassie has recently taken over Sweet Clover , which is a monthly vintage barn sale.
On October 5th, Hometalk is sponsoring a Halloween Hunt at Sweet Clover and 3 other great shops in the area.
If you'd like to go, click here for more details. message me if your going, we totally hang!
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