Truth be told, I'm not that familiar with vine. I thought it was only for iphone users, and I'm a droid fan. I don't know how you people function with iphones. I guess my brain just doesn't work the way apple would like it to. I'm all thumbs when it comes to apple products. But, now I am a Vine fan. I've downloaded it to my droid and I'm ready to go. I think my user name is thepaintedhome, who knows. We'll see if I can figure out somethin' snappy and 6 seconds worthy of a few smiles. And, too bad I can't link my user name to my vine account, or I would. If you know how, let me know!
If you surf Vine, check out Lowe's posts. I am truly amazed. I think Lowe's has cracked the code. Their videos are both useful and creative. Once I clicked the link I couldn't stop watching them. Who knew potatoes could be so handy when changing a light bulb? And a hair dryer to remove stickers? What the what? I've read the tips before in text, but so much more memorable in a six-second video! I'm dying to dig in and get some posts going. Are you on Vine? Let me know and I'll pop over and check you out too! This post is sponsored by Lowe's
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