{ The Country Living Fair }

Yes, it was a weeks ago.
But , I just found this post marked draft in my post list.
Snort. Too much going on.
I had to get these pictures of the fair to you.
Because, if you think you might be able to make it to one of Country Livings many fairs around the country. Do it!

The day began meeting up with Sarah Gray Miller. Did you know Sarah Gray is her first name? Now you do.

Then, the cute and friend Cari Cucksey gave a group of us our own personal tour around the fair.
She's totally friendly and down to earth. And her both was phenomenal! tons of inspiration there!

Now, will anyone mind if I take a nap while you look at the rest of the pictures? 

Oh, one more thing. I met up with other fellow home decor blogger.
This is Kelly, who you probably already know from Eclectically Vintage.

She was fun and cool, and gave me this hand stamped spoon keychain, which I LOVE!


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