{ The Brooklyn Flea Philly }

I've been painting and making stuff like crazy lately.

Some of you already know that I have a spot at Serendipity in Doylestown, PA, which has been FABULOUS and I struggle to keep things stocked there. But I'm always adding something new and I try to keep you up to date on freshly stocked items at Serendipity on instagram. So, check that out if you're wondering what Serendipity is all about.

But recently, I've added another summertime location to my Painted Home list.
(click the link for all the info)

It's the Brooklyn Flea Philly. Have you heard? The world famous Brooklyn Flea is in Philly for the summer!
Crazy, right? I know.
Meet me there.
The Brooklyn Flea Philly is held every Sunday throughout the summer.
I can't be there every Sunday, but I will be there Sunday, June 30th for the first time eva'.
So, come out and say hello, would'ja?

Here's a sampling of what you'll see at my tent...

I might even bring some vintage bikes so you can create your own little bike/garden display at your house.

See ya' there!


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