{How to turn a pantry into an Armoire}

Here's the before.
Ehh, okay, right?
But not me.
Too vanilla.
And I am NOT vanilla.

Much better after a coat of 
Martha Stewart's Milk Pail

After that, I added a coat of brown glaze all over
to age the pantry a bit.

then, I needed to decide on which "knobs" to use.
I use the term "knobs: lightly, 'cause they're not really knobs.  
They're a collection of finials I've collected over the years.

I wanted to use knobs, but I'm 
trying to be economical.
And heck, what am I collecting these
finials for anyway?
If I like them so much to collect them 
in a jar, why not use them, right?
So, I settled on these guys.

 and, as if I haven't beaten the vintage paper thing enough yet...

 I added some to the inside of the door.
'Cause, why not?

So, grab some paint and paint something in 
YOUR kitchen today.
Just paint it.


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