{ Simple Storage for Boys }

well, not just for boys...

I found this draw on the side of the road.
It was part of a great leggy buffet, but the rest of the 
piece had seen better days.
So I just took the drawer.

Sprayed it Fern Green
{a new fav from Rustoleum}

Added some photo copied 
vintage maps with wall paper paste.
{the maps were a Father's day gift I found on e-bay
-a bit hit with Danny I might add}

I sanded much of the Fern Green off of the wood.
Check the fab knob, would you?

Added some wheels.


I know it's nothing you haven't seen done before.
But, thought you might use it as a reminder to 
stop next time you pass a bunch of stuff in the trash.
You'll find use for something!

Oh, alright.  I'll throw in a mini sneak peak 
{Still waiting on the box spring}

linking to
The Shabby Nest


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